Radio Host Dave Ramsey Endorses Andy Ogles in TN-5 Race

Radio host Dave Ramsey endorsed Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles in the race for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District seat on Monday.

The Ogles campaign issued a statement in response to the endorsement.

“Sharon and Dave Ramsey are great assets to our community and country, and I am thrilled that they have endorsed me in my race for Congress,” Ogles said. “Their Christian, conservative, and fiscally responsible leadership reflect the values we share and those I will fight for in Washington.”

“Andy Ogles is a man who courageously stood for freedom and individual rights while others cowered in the corner of their offices. His strong stand for real common-sense values and conservative beliefs make him the person we need in Congress,” Ramsey said in announcing his support for Ogles. “Sharon and I are proud to back and endorse our friend Andy for Congress.”

“If President Biden could convince Dave to serve as his treasury secretary and then follow his lead on economic and fiscal policy issues, we would quickly recover from the economic disaster we are suffering and be on a path to dramatically reducing the national debt,” Ogles noted. “Sadly, getting Biden to cut up the national credit card as Dave has helped millions of families to do with their personal finances is too heavy of a lift even for him.”

According to the Ogles campaign statement, “Dave Ramsey started his media career on one radio station in Nashville in 1992, sharing practical answers for life’s tough money questions. Today he’s joined by his co-hosts reaching 18 million combined weekly listeners nationwide.”

The Republican primary for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District seat is scheduled to take place on August 4.

The 5th Congressional District consists of parts of Davidson, Williamson, and Wilson counties, as well as all of Maury, Marshall, and Lewis counties.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Dave Ramsey” by The Ramsey Show. Photo “Andy Ogles” by Mayor Andy Ogles for Congress. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by Jackelberry.

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One Thought to “Radio Host Dave Ramsey Endorses Andy Ogles in TN-5 Race”

  1. Stuart I. Anderson

    OK, now we are making progress. Now Dave Ramsey as well as about 1,000 conservative activists in the 5th District know that Andy is even running and intend to vote for him. Now there are only about 600,000 other voters who need to get the word yet still no signs of an Ogles campaign.


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